Friday, May 16, 2008

I Heart N.Y.

This is a picture of me, Rach and Chrissy standing in front of an amazing view of New York City, the last night that Chrissy and I were there (I should have told Norm to put his thumb in it or something to show he was also present). It was the perfect ending to an awesome trip, I just wish I could have figured out my camera enough to take a better shot of it (someday, I hope to build up the courage to tackle that monster manual the thing came with - "someday" meaning never-ever) .
Leave it to Rachael to make a 45 square foot apartment into the most functional, organized and spit-shined living quarters you've ever seen. It was immaculate. I was impressed, to say the least (and wondering why that O.C.D gene took a leave-of-absence with me).
We walked a lot. This was actually my favorite part. I loved walking along these busy sidewalks, and suddenly recognizing something. It's amazing how, even if you've never been there, so much of New York is familiar. I thought I would be so much more scared of the big city than I ever was.
The day before we left, Rach took time off to drive us over to Leslie's in Pennsylvania. It was so much fun to see the Youngs! Even though they seem a step beyond exhaustion, they were nice enough to show us a great time. After playing their Wii, I've been plotting how to get one for myself (I've started an "items for ebay" pile). I have to admit the pinacle though, was having Leslie teach us how to make pretzels at her new store. It was AWESOME!!! I was giddy the whole time. We stayed for about three hours, and the time went by much too quickly. Time flies when you're twistin' pretzels. The Youngs are such a blast to hang out with, and I wish we had had more time there.
Overall, I wish we could have seen more of Rach and Norm (not sure if they'd say the same about us - I'm sure Norm now knows what it would be like to share a shower with Sasquatch...sorry and eeewwwww!). Can't wait to go again, and I'll be sure to reserve more cash for the horse races next time - that was great!