Friday, February 1, 2008

Let's Do This Thing

It's about time that I jump aboard the blog train. I think that I waited so long because I was afraid that I might lower the level of quality that my sisters have attained......then Chrissy started her blog and took all my worries away. *zing*

Why not start with Meg's 100 fun facts? Hopefully I can come up with that many without revealling too much about myself (or putting anyone to sleep).

1- I think it's really cool to have a brother-in-law named "Norm"
2- Until I was about 16, I wanted to work at Disneyland so bad that I said "cleaning toilets" there would have been an honor. Now, not so much.
3- I love the cookie part of Oreos, and despise the Crisco "cream"
4- I have absolutely no scrapbooking skills
5- I hate that the saying "you just wait until you have your own kids" is now relevant
6- I hate dealing with money
7- I love to cook, anything - but hate to clean up
8- pet peeve - when people say "I could care less" instead of "I couldn't care less"
9- I tend to always choose green things, even though I don't really have a "favorite" color
10- I really don't like the color purple (the hue, not the movie) - it bothers me
11- I hate, hate, HATE potty training!!!
12- I wish sometimes that I had red hair - like fire engine red
13- Target gets a lot of our money
14- Lately, I've been obsessed with Panera Bread's sourdough bread bowls (yum)
15- I love how different each sister is in the Partridge family
16- Sometimes I miss having the "Partridge" name
17- I am totally oblivious to current music
18- Anything Elvis sings makes me happy
19- I have anxiety attacks and can't sleep
20- I'm obsessive about my handwriting on checks - I hesitate to hand it over if it doesn't "look right"
21- Whenever I'm playing in the ocean, I can't imagine being happier
22- I cry so much easier now than I did before having kids (sappy commercials, etc.)
23- Christian Bale has been my crush since I was 12 - no one else comes close
24- at a funeral, I'd rather be in the casket than giving the eulogy (a Seinfeld joke about public speaking) - I seriously think I am agoraphobic
25- Todd makes fun of me for thinking that my dad has the answer for everthing
26- even the thought of elbow and knee guts makes me squeamish - eeewwww
27- I faint around needles (I just felt my eyes roll a bit)
28- I wish I knew how to do my hair really cute, but I don't
29- I wish I knew how to apply cool makeup, but I don't
30- I catch myself staring for so long at my kids, they are so good lookin'!
31- I've always wanted a St. Bernard, and to name it "Baron Von Goldfish" (this is falling into the realm of revealling too much, isn't it)
32- I have allergies to dogs, cats, horses....pretty much anything with hair (goodbye "Baron")
33- snakes are horrifying (if I knew a stronger word for it, I'd use it)- nothing without legs should be able to move that fast. They are the physical form of all that is evil.
34- It bothers me that there are even pictures of snakes in Seth's books (that's right, they are slithering their way into a second slot). It makes me nervous when he touches those pictures.
35- When I ride my bike, I wonder why I don't do it more often
36- I love to sing along with the music, but always sing the wrong words
37- I am self-conscious at nearly every moment
38- I could sleep for 12 hours straight
39- I'm jealous of Chrissy right now. I loved my first year in college.
40- I really liked wearing uniforms to work (waitressing)
41- I was a terrible waitress
42- I love to bargain shop
43- I love the dollar store
44- I tiled a bathroom all by myself recently - it took months
45- When I make dinner, I still get nervous about whether or not Todd will like it
46- It really wigs me out when I get called "maam"
47- When I was a teenager, I would spend hours upon hours by myself in my room, and loved it.
48- I still really enjoy being by myself - doesn't happen much
49- Even if I'm up at 7:30 a.m, I never fully wake up until about noon
50- I love to sleep, but I fight going to bed for some reason
51- I am always coming up with ideas for inventions, but never know how to get started
52- I really like the show Project Runway, and it makes me want to design clothes
53- I don't sleep well, unless I'm on my stomach
54- I hate Donald Trump
55- I used to wish I had a different name, now I like it
56- I started a fight with a boy in 5th grade, got hit once and ran.
57- For show-and-tell, I told the class that that boy had "chipped my rib"
58- I snuck out of our house one night, when we lived in Heber, and just wandered around the neighborhood for hours - it made sense to me then
59- I love jumping on a trampoline in the rain
60- I like rainy days more than sunny ones - probably due to my albino-ness
61- I earned a 4.0, my last term of senior year. It made me mad because it was the only time that I hadn't even tried.
62- I won't do open-caskets. I can't bear the thought of having an altereed memory of someone.
63- I hate talking on the phone to anyone but family
64- I hate leaving messages- I'm so bad at it, and always fumble around words
65- I stress out about everything
66- My favorite number is "7"
67- Todd says that whenever I think something is ugly or tacky I say it's "so 80's" (where good taste went to die, in my opinion)
68- MY BIGGEST PET PEEVE - LITTERING - It drives me insane to see someone throw something on the ground intentionally or out their car window. It is so pompous and entitled.
69- I love fairy tales.
70- It seems like I am never home on my birthday
71- I could read for days and days at time
72- I'm so afraid to pass on my shyness to my kids
73- I love that moment where you've just put kids to bed and don't have anything to do but drop into the couch and veg
74- I am paranoid about being watched while I sleep
75- I can't stand wearing clothing that has the brand name written across it. Why am I paying to be a billboard?
76- When I get complimented on something that I found for a great deal, I can't help immediately stating it (someone says "cute shoes", I say "32 cents at Macy's!" - it's like I get excited about it all over again!
77- My feet are always cold
78- I still get told that I look like Liv Tyler
79- I love "fake" mashed potatoes
80- I still get jealous thinking about Todd's past girlfriends - gggrrrrrr
81- I hate eating at McDonalds
82- I wish I could hang out with my parents more often
83- I hate having my picture taken
84- I feel more comfortable with kids than with adults
85- I think I'm a really good driver
86- I hate wearing socks (probably why my feet are always cold, eh?)
87- I can't stand the texture of celery sticks, it's like eating hair
88- I am the worst liar in the world - I get so nervous
89- I always afraid that I'll hurt someones feelings
90- Summer nights are the best
91- I always underestimate the time that something will take
92- I love visene
93- I never felt as though I had as much musical ability as my sisters did
94- I always feel unprepared
95- My car is a mess, and usually is
96- I love the smell of freshly cut wood
97- Having someone touch my feet in any way is torture - I hate it
98- Sandwiches are the best. I can always eat a good sandwich.
99- I've recently become addicted to Coke Zero. They are SO good!
100- It's so hard for me to finish things. I probably try harder not to finish things than to finish them. (this list being an exception)

So there you go. Way more about me than you'd probably ever want to know.


meg said...

Yay, a blog! You have alot of pet peeves {correct spelling by the way!} Love it! Oh, and yes, your kids are very adorable--I love to look at them too!

chrissy said...

um, its really cool that you got a blog and everything, but do you think that you could make it look a little more like mine? Just wonderin'.

racharooo said...

Good Blog!!! And I don't mind lists with 100 things either, it gives me something to do instead of my work.

katetheskate said...

#101 - I hate when spellcheck doesn't work, and I look like an idiot.

Reid and Brittney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Reid and Brittney said...

So the comment before it messed up somehow so I had to delete it. I am so glad you have a blog now. I love to be able to see how everyone is doing besides the monthly family letter. (which I have not done yet) Awesome job with your list. I have a lot of the same pet peeves. I thought the list was fun to do as well, at first I was thinking how the heck am I going to get to 100 but it worked out.